What is this all about?
Stet Media fosters clarity in media through editing, proofreading, photography, and general media consulting.
Our society is noisy. Good messages are often lost in the fray. I help those messages rise above the noise through careful editing, unique photography, and thoughtful consulting.
What does "Stet" mean?
It's an editing term, meaning "disregard that change I made." It's also Latin for "let it stand," which I intend to do with your voice.
Who is this guy?
My name's Caleb Sommerville. I'm a writer, editor, and photographer living in KCMO.
I love to edit. I can't turn it off. Signs, newspapers, CD liner notes...I'm always looking for a better way to say or show things. If a rewritten sentence or a better photo makes your message clearer, then I've done my job.
How do I get in touch with you?
You can email me at caleb@stetmedia.com or call/text 816.239.0571.